Культура, Благотворительность

ChildAid to Russia and the Republics

Опубликовано в Культура, Благотворительность

ChildAid enables lives of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged children and young people in Russia, Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus to be transformed.

Through short and long-term aid and development initiatives and in collaboration with established local partners, usually Christians, we improve the quality of life for abused, abandoned and neglected children from extremely poor families; orphans; and children with disabilities. 
As a Christian charity we seek to serve any child or young person that is in contact with our project partners.  It is never contingent on or restricted by whether the child or young person has a faith or not.  The help we give is unconditional.
Our objectives are to: relieve poverty and hardship in the lives of children and young people educate and train the public and our partner organisations encourage and support other agencies in similar work.

With no direct personnel on the ground we provide financial and strategic support to project partners.  ChildAid staff make frequent visits to projects for monitoring and evaluation purposes.

Based in the Siberian city of Chita, Helping Hands works with children and their families living in extremely harsh conditions. With inflation on essential items such as firewood and food running many times more than the official rate (at around 12%) and unemployment all too common, desperate conditions are being faced.
It is a small-scale and cost effective project offering a range of intensive support and help for children who are most at risk of forming life-threatening patterns of behaviour, or who live in families facing crisis.

Current Services
Work includes activities and guidance for children, respite breaks, family support that strengthen relationships and material aid. Some recent areas of support provided include:
providing support to speed up the provision of state benefits to families who are entitled to them but where authorities are not processing applications 
travel costs for children to get to school 
supporting families in trying to clear their debts 
encouragement to children to go to school 
provision of food, firewood and warm clothing

Future Plans
To continue to develop new programmes of educational support as well as supporting more and more desperate families.

Представитель организации:
Mr Martin Wilcox

Адрес в Великобритании:
PO Box 200, Bromley
Kent, UK, BR1 1QF

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+44 020 8460 6046
+44 020 8466 1244