Baker Botts is an international law firm recognized for our creative approach to the legal and business issues facing our clients.
The work we do is often groundbreaking.
With approximately 750 lawyers and a worldwide network of offices, Baker Botts works with our clients on a wide range of matters. Our approach to the law practice is collaborative, with lawyers functioning as integrated teams to bring the most appropriate response to client needs.
Since 1840, Baker Botts has been highly regarded for our integrity, our work ethic, the quality of our legal advice, and our people.
Baker Botts is a global firm with approximately 750 lawyers serving clients of all sizes in a wide variety of industries all over the world. Our clients include more than half of the Fortune 100, as well as many emerging growth companies.
A global energy and technology firm with world-class lawyers, we have reach that extends beyond U.S. borders and have delivered outstanding legal service since 1840. Baker Botts is a recognized national leader in complex litigation, white collar criminal defense and appellate advocacy. From negotiating complex transcontinental pipeline projects throughout the world to navigating rapidly changing technology and business environments, Baker Botts' collaborative teams consistently provide excellent client service.
In the course of this work, we have been honored to receive a number of distinguished awards. Please click here for a snapshot of our most recent recognitions.
At Baker Botts, we foster a culture where our lawyers take great pride in their fundamental legal skills, where all of our lawyers are expected to be practicing lawyers with consummate experience in their particular discipline. We strive to provide an environment where our lawyers can fully apply their wide-ranging legal skills and excel in the substantive areas of their particular practice.
We pride ourselves in delivering legal services efficiently, assigning lawyers and staff that are appropriate to the task, not to the perceived bottom line.
We adhere to the highest ethical standards. We know that our reputation for high-quality legal services and integrity are our most precious assets. We maintain an approach to our practice that enhances our ability to identify ethical issues as they arise, and we pride ourselves in having the fortitude to do what's right.
We are proud of our heritage, which encompasses more than 165 years. Our heritage and our reputation of providing excellent lawyering decade after decade have consistently given us the privilege of working on some of the most fascinating legal matters in the world. This heritage creates an unusual sense of stewardship in our firm, and ensures that lawyers and staff alike look at generations past and consider future generations when making decisions about our practice.
We believe in giving something back to the communities in which we live and work. We encourage our lawyers to be actively involved in pro bono, charitable and other community activities because it helps them to develop as better people and partners and because, quite simply, it's the right thing to do.
And finally, we like each other, respect one another, and enjoy practicing law together. We believe this is reflected in the quality of our work and in the productive relationships we maintain with our clients. We are proud of who we are and what we do. Our values and culture are very important to us.
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Steve Wardlaw
Адрес: Россия, 123056, Москва, улица Гашека, дом 7,
Ducat Place II, Офис 450
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+7 495 545 07 77
+7 495 545 07 78